The King Charles Spaniel Club would like to make public that anyone who has received a request from Caroline Gurtner to allow copyrights of their King Charles Spaniel photos to be produced in a book of Champions, please be aware that this is NOT a follow on of the Champions Book which the King Charles Spaniel Club produced.
The request that many have received from Caroline is for producing a book to which the King Charles Spaniel Club will NOT be taking part in its production, proofing or printing. The production, proofing, printing, costs,and any profit made would be the responsibility of Caroline Gurtner.
Many of you will be aware that the late Margaret Mallows and Jeannie Coupland had put a lot of time, effort, energy, and resources into compiling the follow on book of Champions, and the Pre War Book of Champions. Unfortunately matters out of the Club’s control have led to a delay in producing these books, but the King Charles Spaniel Club will honour Margaret’s and Jeannie’s commitment to the Club by producing the books in their memory. These two books will be available from the Club at a later date.
Should anyone feel that they have been misled by the copyright request from Caroline Gurtner, thinking it was on behalf of the King Charles Spaniel Club, they should write to her, as misrepresentation should be adequate reason for relinquishing copyright consent.
Membership subscriptions are due on the 1st January
The King Charles Spaniel Bank Account is with Lloyds Bank
The King Charles Spaniel Club
Sort Code :30-98-97
Account number : 84181463
All members who have Standing Orders etc are invited to note this change and make arrangements accordingly.
The International bank Account Number is GB57 LOYD 3098 9784 1814 63 For anyone paying money to The KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB from abroad
Annual subscription………£10.00…single £15.00……..joint
Overseas membership… £20.00…single £25.00…….joint