
30 06 24 Windsor Results Added

28 06 24  Border Union Critique Added

26 06 24 Bath Critique Added

25 06 24  Southern Counties Critique Added

21 06 24    Blackpool Results Added & Lists Updated

19 06 2024   Border Union Pictures Added

16 06 2004  Border Union Results and Puppy & Show winners lists updated

09 06 2024   3 Counties Results  Added

01 06  2024 Southern Counties Results Added and Best Puppy list and show winners list updated

19 05 2024  Congratulations to Kirsty Ryan for Group 4 in SKC May show with   Ch Cavallibrook Blimey O Riley

SKC both Shows Results Added   & Pictures Added

17 05 2004 Sheila Hindles Birmingham Nat Critique Added


A dog is eligible for entry in breed classes where Challenge Certificates are offered if it has qualified in any of the following ways under the rules and regulations of The Kennel Club.

  • If it is a Champion, Show Champion, Field Trial Champion, Working Trial Champion, Obedience Champion, or Agility Champion under the rules of The Kennel Club.

If it is entered in The Kennel Club Stud Book or qualifies for entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book by Monday 20 January 2025.

If it is entered in The Kennel Club Stud Book or qualifies for entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book by

  • Monday 20 January 2025 through Field Trials or Working Trials.
  • If it has won any of the following prizes in a breed class (as defined in The Kennel Club regulations for the Definitions of Classes at Championship Shows) at a championship show, where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed between Monday 22 January 2024 and Monday 20 January 2025.
  1. First, Second or Third in Minor Puppy Class
  2. First, Second or Third in Puppy Class
  • First, Second or Third in Junior Class
  1. First, Second or Third in Yearling Class
  2. First, Second or Third in Novice Class
  3. First, Second or Third in Graduate Class
  • First, Second or Third in Post Graduate Class
  • First, Second or Third in Limit Class
  1. First, Second or Third in Open Class
  2. First, Second or Third in Veteran Class
  3. First, Second or Third in Special Beginner Class


(5)        If it has won a First Prize in any breed class at Crufts 2024.  (NB This is in addition to those dogs which have qualified in classes listed under a. (4) above).

Crufts Qualifications for 2025  Click on link  Below

    Crufts 2025 Qualification v2


28th April 24  WELKS Results added

The KCS Club Website is fully uptodate with Results  up to Northern KCS Champ show


The King Charles Spaniel Club was saddened to hear of the passing of Bill Moffat and would like to send sincere condolences to his family and friends.
Bill was Patron of the Club, and was well known for having a good sense of humour and also for his story telling abilities which always made people laugh.
He was loved and respected by many and will be very sadly missed.
As per Bills wishes there will be no funeral, but any donations in memory of Bill to go to Marie Curie.
Our Dog Winning KCS Congratulations to winners
Top Dog Ch Cavallibrook Blimey O Riley
Best Puppy Headra Edith
Top Breeder Mrs C Bowles-Robinson Baldragon
Top Stud Dog Descartes Ot Nevskogo Hobbita
Top Brood Bitch My Exotic World Demands Baldragon
LKA Results and Pictures Added
Bath & KCS Association Open Show Critiques Added

Midland Counties Results and Pictures Added


The King Charles Spaniel Club would like to make public that anyone who has received a request from Caroline Gurtner to allow copyrights of their King Charles Spaniel photos to be produced in a book of Champions, please be aware that this is NOT a follow on of the Champions Book which the King Charles Spaniel Club produced.
The request that many have received from Caroline is for producing a book to which the King Charles Spaniel Club will NOT be taking part in its production, proofing or printing. The production, proofing, printing, costs,and any profit made would be the responsibility of Caroline Gurtner.
Many of you will be aware that the late Margaret Mallows and Jeannie Coupland had put a lot of time, effort, energy, and resources into compiling the follow on book of Champions, and the Pre War Book of Champions. Unfortunately matters out of the Club’s control have led to a delay in producing these books, but the King Charles Spaniel Club will honour Margaret’s and Jeannie’s commitment to the Club by producing the books in their memory. These two books will be available from the Club at a later date.
Should anyone feel that they have been misled by the copyright request from Caroline Gurtner, thinking it was on behalf of the King Charles Spaniel Club, they should write to her, as misrepresentation should be adequate reason for relinquishing copyright consent.



· Docked Dogs
Under law, no docked dogs are permitted to be shown at Crufts.
· Cropping
No dog with cropped ears is eligible to compete at any Kennel Club licensed event.
Bringing dogs into the UK
Crufts exhibitors must ensure that their dogs fully comply with the entry rules for bringing dogs into the UK. In the case of dogs being brought from some countries, this will involve a process which can take a number of months to complete prior to travel to the UK and Crufts.
For further details please see
Please note: Birmingham Airport is not a legal point of entry into the UK for those travelling with dogs. Please ensure you come into the UK via an approved route. For more guidance visit
All reactions:




“The King Charles Spaniel Account with HSBC ( Sort Code 40-43-50 , Account number 81095994) is being closed.

All normal Club financial activity will henceforth be conducted by an account with Lloyds Bank

The King Charles Spaniel Club

Sort Code :30-98-97

Account number : 84181463

The IBAN is  GB57 LOYD 3098 9784 1814 63

All members who have Standing Orders etc are invited to note this change and make arrangements  accordingly.


Band D 1st/2nd/3rd Open Class and 1st Limit Class

TOY GROUP: Chinese Crested (from C), Japanese Chin (from C), King Charles Spaniel (from C), Pomeranian (from C)

The new stud book bands are effective between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2025 and will be reviewed in 2026 and then at four-yearly intervals.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….                              2023  News  

KCS Club Open Show  Results and Pictures Added

UK Toy Dog Results and Pictures Added

Crufts results & Pictures Added

Manchester Pictures Added

Manchester Results Added

Change of Judge Manchester

King Charles Spaniel will now be judged by Mrs Liz Stannard (STKCA)
Bolognese will now be judged by Mr Mark Cocozza
Sealyham Terrier will now be judged by Mrs J Peak (STKCA)

Boston Results , Pictures    and Critique Added

King Charles Spaniel Club Yearbooks from 1992 For Sale for more information Click on link Below